Counselling is a form of resolving personal or psychological problems like an addiction or some kind of traumatic events or crisis with a professional assistance and guidance. It lays a platform to open up the problems, talk confidentially with some trained ones’. The process highlight’s the emotional and intellectual side of a client, how he feels and thinks about his problem. This is a relationship of trust where the client is allowed to talk freely anything without any hesitation where a complete confidentiality is ensured.
There is a common belief that counsellors are the ones’ who gives advices , judges, or attempts to bring out the problems of the client but it is a form of assistance from a trained counsellor to enable people to make changes in their life, live more satisfyingly and resourcefully. The counsellor encourages the client to explore many aspects of their life and find difficult or impossible parts of their life. They need to be empathetic rather than sympathetic by seeing things from the client’s point of view. He/she must be very careful about the counselling relationship between the counsellor and client that he/she should not be emotionally involved with the client. It is not only necessary but sufficient to create an environment that facilitates the process of self-awareness.
An effective counselling allows the client to make effective decision which leads to positive changes in their attitude and behaviour